Day 2
OK, I'm back to blogging about Day 2 @ bkk!
I'll blog about the last day in Taiwan on my next post,
lol, i know it's like almost 6 months ago but lots of you have been
asking me to blog about it, and after seeing fel's taiwan pictures
on her blog i suddenly have the "feel" to finally blog about it!
Woke up @ 10am and god knows why, i was ridiculously hungry!
Lol, so we quickly bathed, makeup etc..
(Even though i said "quickly", but quickly
was still around 45mins - 1 hour!)
We both are super dilly dally!
So as the clock ticked on..
i got increasingly hunnnnnngrrrrrryyyyyy,
hungry fidel = a super easily frus me!
(Lol, daniel taught me this: Frustrated = frus.)
Finally got out of our hotel, and walked out to try
and find some yummies to fill my growling tummy!
Lol, in the end, shopped around for quite abit, bought leggings for work,
jeans leggings, a dress, a bag, boyf bought jeans too,
and then we finaaaaaaaally found somewhere to eat!
You gotta try this place when you go to bkk kay!
It's located at baiyoke sky hotel, at the garment centre, Level 4!
There's some pretty good shopping at level 4,
lol, lvl 1, 2, 3 sells all the crappy weird obiang stuff,
so don't bother checking out those 3 levels!
The restaurant is called Snow Bar, Restaurant.

Lol, pretty interesting, it's a clothes shop, there's a pool table
(people actually come here and play!) and it's a restaurant!

You gotta gotta gotta try the phad thai & tom yum soup.
AWESOME! Went back there another 2 times to eat
the same thing after that day lol.

After shopping @ level 4, (bought a cute couple tee!)
Lol, i know.. couple tees are like sooooo.. secondary school.
But it's really cute what! buttons and scissors..
I wanted the broken finger print but boyf said it's abit gross/scary..
lol but i liked it!
Anyway after shopping there, went to get a cab to get to mbk.
got into an ORANGE cab and told the driver we wanted to go to mbk..
and he told us some bullshit about mbk being CLOSED..
(mind you, it was around 12-1pm @ that time..
impossible that the mall is not open yet lor..)
And then proceed to go on and on about floating markets
and some other tourist attraction and when we refused his offer,
he just ask us to get off his car~!!!!
Me and boyf we were so damn shocked!
Then when we got off the cab we realized he just turn one big round
and alighted us at around the same place we got on his cab..
wtf.. another thing i hate about bkk!
Then we saw a PINK cab and we immediately hopped into it.
Awesome, automatically turn on the meter.
Bloody hell. So seriously, only take the pink cabs when you're there!
the other kinda cabs are really crappy, i dont even know why!
Or another tip, just offer them 80/100baht when you get on the cab
they'll be really really nice and not try to do anything funny
like take you round and round to get more $$$ on the meter
and in the meantime waste your precious time!
(The new zealand couple from the cooking class taught us that!)
Anyway, i dont understand what's the hype about mbk lor!
there's nth much to shop leh!
Before i went there everyone were like MBK MBK MBK MUST GO!
But when i'm there i didnt even get anything!
Lol, saw Auntie Anne's there and look what they have on their menu!!!


So crude! But it's actually Cheesy Chicken Bites! CCB!!!
It's really good thou!!! Hahahas, comes with the strawberry dutch set.
Went and took a tuk tuk because we were told
that there is a soonboon restaurant near mbk,
My gaaaaaawd, that bloody ah beng tuk tuk guy
wanna bring us to some other place lor..
kns, at the traffic light he was shouting across to
another tuk tuk ah beng guy and it sounded that he was laughing at us
and trying to be funny (Cos i actually read about tuk tuk driver
bringing tourist to the "fake soonboon resturant and they got scammed!)
and asking us if we went to soonboon restaurant before..
and we insist that we were there afew times and that
the food is really good then he reversed and went ANOTHER direction,
which was like super obvious that he was gonna bring us to
another place if we didnt say we went there before!
ARGH. The people there are so scary!

Crab, prawns, fish, mango sticky rice,
all for only $50?
Anyway, the food wasn;t that awesome either.
it was O-KKKKKK, but it's really really cheap.
But i'd rather pay abit more and have awesome crabs in singapore!
Sigh.. i think boyf and i we're too spoilt already... :x
Took a cab back to the hotel where we got our tickets
to calypso (ah gua show) @ asia hotel,
we booked via our hotel's travel agent and we had 50% off!

Hahahas, the couple tee i bought!

Full house!!!

Hahahas, everybody were like.. WOOOOOOW
when the 1st ah gua came out! SEEEEEEXY~
But boyf said he/she was like a robot.. -.-

Hahahas, she's like DAMN FUNNY LOR!!!
She's like the "xie xing" Lol.
She/he even kissed one of the audience,
push him onto the stage and lay on him!!! HAHAAH!

Lol, took pictures with them after the show!
So hard to imagine they are GUUUUYS?!

Heheheh, taller than boyf!

I picked the prettiest and asked boyf to take a picture with he/her!
Lol, two days after i was looking at the picture reviewing the pics
and i realised his hands is on his/her butt lor!
@#$%^&*() @!#$%#@#$%^%^#%

LOL! i took picture with the funniest person!
And we saw naraya store when we came out of the theatre!
Since mine was slashed on Day 1 @ the weekend market,
got 3 more for myself! Lol.

and of course... lingerie from wacoal!
Cheap as hell lor, wtf.
Honestly, i don't like bkk at all,
at first i wanted to go because everyone was like telling
me how awesome bkk is, the highlight of my whole trip
there is prolly the weekend market, cooking class,
erawan falls, elephant ride and the calypso show..
i still prefer taiwan, where the shopping, food, people is AWESOME,
and people there are so interesting cos good looking
cos they are so experimental with their dressing and style!
It's so fun even to sit at a cafe and watch people..
Love love loveeeeeee,
hope i can go to taiwan again next year! <3
But i'm gonna go to australia 1st next summer,
Muahahaha, gonna plan to go to the great barrier reef,
whale watching, warner brothers... and visiting May, leon's sis!
Ok, gotta go sleep now!
Working tmr, Sayonara Loves! (:
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